“Ann Dvorak: Hollywood’s Forgotten Rebel” Reviewed in the September Issue of Sight & Sound


Ann Dvorak: Hollywood’s Forgotten Rebel has been out in the world for nine months now, which means the initial exciting rush is over and most readers have moved on to other books. Every so often, something relating to my book pops up that is a delight for me. Last week I found out that the Dvorak bio was reviewed in Sight & Sound which is one of the longest running and most prestigious publications devoted to film. I have not been reviewed in too many print publications, so to be written up in a magazine like Sight & Sound is beyond exciting for me.

To add frosting to this cake is the prominant placement of the review, accompanied by my personal favorite photo of Ann, along with the fact that it’s a very positive review.

Because this is a UK publication, I have not yet gotten my hands on a hard copy, but reviewer Pamela Hutchinson was kind enough to send me a scan and posted the above screenshot on her website.

Here’s to more positive reviews!




  1. Scott Brinson August 15, 2014

    An honor well deserved, congratulations!

  2. admin August 15, 2014

    Thanks Scott, much appreciated!

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