Year of Ann Dvorak: Day 319

I have finally recovered from the Ann Dvorak: Hollywood’s Forgotten Rebel Official Book Launch Party on Tuesday. I think it’s safe to say that it was more than successful and is probably one of the few Los Angeles parties where people actually showed up early. Guests were filtering in while I was sitting there getting my hair done!
There has probably never been so much Ann Dvorak piled into one room, and the response was overwhelming. The Library Store ordered 40 copies, and at the end of the evening, there were only two left. The Ann Dvorak recipes seemed to have gone over well and the food table was empty by the end, other than some of the fudge which was admittedly too sweet with a weird molasses aftertaste.
The turnout was way better than I expected and it felt like my own episode of “This is Your Life,” with some people showing up who I hadn’t seen over 25 years. There was also a good amount of people who I did not know or am related to, which reinforces that Ann Dvorak is someone others give a damn about. Being able to have the party at Central Library, which is my home away from home, made it even more special.
Thanks to everyone who came out or sent well wishes. After 15 years, it’s still bizarre to have the book out in the world but now feels much more real.

Come on in!

Stacks of Ann Dvorak!

Much to my relief, there was a line for books practically the whole time.

Some of the people in line I didn't even know!

A lot of people in the room I did know, like Paul. Our kids go to school together and are friends, but he also happens to be a film buff. Hooray!

You might recognize these two from Day 119 of the Year of Ann Dvorak.

Ken and Jim get their Ann fix before heading out to the Last Remaining Seats planning committee meeting.

Guest blogger Glen Creason in the house, along with librarian extraordinaire Pam (left) and Photo Friends Kathy & Amy.

Hooray for a big crowd!

Ann and Lee Tracy provide ambience.

Did I mention how happy I was to have a full room?

I had not seen Betty (far right) and Val (red dress) in over 25 years! I'm related to the rest of 'em.

Signing away.

And more signing.

Did I get tired of signing books? Not a chance!

A selection of Ann-D ephemera from my personal collection.

With my pal Darrell Rooney, co-author of "Harlow in Hollywood."

Thanks to the kitchenette loan out from the Children's Literature Department, we managed to to keep the little occupied.

Special guest Mary Carlisle holds up a photo of her and Ann taken in 1929!

Took a break from signing to chat with Mary who my mom (right) found enchanting.

The always fabulous Darin Barnes hangs out with his pal Mary.

Hard to keep a straight face when I am surrounded by siblings.

The two people my book is dedicated to.

My favorite photo of the night.

What's a book launch party without cake?

It didn't take long for the cake to look like this.

Having my cake and eating it too!
Thanks for sharing all the marvelous pictures. And congratulations again on your magnificent accomplishment – we old movie buffs are forever grateful.
Thanks Mike, I appreciate it!
Great pics. Gives us a real flavor of the event. You look quite at home, signing copies!
Glad it all went so well. You deserve it.
Thanks Vienna! I have to admit, it felt pretty good signing books!
Day-yum! Sure wish I could have been there. Appreciate all the phabulous photographs. So many nice smiles.
Mary C is 101 years old, is she not? Unbelievable.
Anyway, congratulations.
I did some digging into our genealogy collection at the library and she is going to be 100 in February. Still unbelievable and she is a hoot!