Guest Blogger Paul Petro Presents Original Ann Dvorak Art

Year of Ann Dvorak: Day 38


I am really jazzed by today’s guest blogger submission. You may recognize Paul Petro as “artman2112,” who is a frequent contributor to the comments sections on this site.  When he told me he was planning on turning in a guest post, I was fully expecting something about Bright Lights, which costars his personal favorite, Patricia Ellis. Instead, he sent along this gorgeous portrait of Ann which is “grahpite and white pastel pencil on approx 13″ x 17″ tinted canson paper.” Mind you, this was not a piece he had laying around from a couple years back, but something he created over the past two days specifically for The Year of Ann Dvorak. This is exactly why I love the idea guest bloggers, because you never know what they’re going to come up with. (I also need to credit frequent commenter DickP with coming up with the guest blogger idea.) It’s also a credit to Ann that she can inspire such devotion in a few of us die-hard fans.

If you want to check out more of Paul’s work, take a look at his website. If you’re interested in being a guest blogger sometime in the next few months, please let me know. Now, here’s a bit more about Paul in his own words:

I’m a 45 year old self taught artist living the quiet life in Vermont. I make pictures with pencils, plain or colored. I like to draw women. When i’m not drawing i like to play guitar, make things out of wood, watch old movies, lift weights, pet my little kitty, and eat -especially Italian food, a good steak, chocolate cake, cheesecake or ice cream.

I collect vintage movie paperware and classic movie star autographs and have them hung all over my house along with prints from my fave artists and my own work too of course. i love books. i love old cars, especially the American muscle cars of the 1960’s. I stay up too late, always over sleep and i’m always hungry.

Thanks again, Paul!



  1. artman2112 February 7, 2013

    you;re very welcome! it is SO cool to see my picture here! i’m very happy to know you like the piece and that i could contribute to your blog! and i laughed out loud for real when i read what you said about Patricia Ellis! btw the photo i referenced for this portrait IS from Bright Lights haha!

  2. Patti February 7, 2013

    I am visiting from Paul’s site. I think your year-long salute to Ann Dvorak is an awesome idea! She is definitely one of those under-appreciated stars…one whose name is unheard of outside the classic film realm, and probably little-known even within it. I think she would be delighted to know that she has such a die-hard fan in you.

    Paul’s picture is stunning, isn’t it? What a talented man he is!

  3. admin February 8, 2013

    Hi Paula, Thank for the vote of confidence! I hope Ann would approve. 🙂

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