Ann Dvorak and the Missing Portrait Painting

Year of Ann Dvorak: Day 342

Dvorak 25.1

I am thrilled to announce that today’s Honolulu Star Advertiser is running a feature about Ann Dvorak who was a resident of Hawaii the last 20 years of her life. The current issues are behind a paywall so I cannot post a link today, but hopefully it will be accessible in the very near future. I will say that it’s a fantastic write up, especially considering that the reporter had to whittle down my blathering from our hour and a half phone conversation earlier in the week.

I was happy to see the coverage in this newspaper for a couple of reasons. First off, it was Ann’s adopted home and she loved the place but resided there in such anonymity that most current day residents have no clue who she is. Hopefully this will pique the interest of at least a handful of folks on the islands. Second, I was hoping having an article in this paper might shed some light on what happened to Ann’s portrait painting of herself.

The painting, as you can see above was rather large and probably done by artist Edward School in 1933. I received confirmation from various people over the years that she had it hanging up in numerous residences, including her last apartment 1979. It’s so large, that I find it unlikely it would have been thrown away or shipped off Oahu, so I am thinking that it’s still around and hanging up in a restaurant or someone’s garage somewhere on the island.

I am hoping that the above photo ran in the hard copy of the paper, because it’s not on the Advertiser’s online version. Just in case someone reads the article and starts hitting the search engines for more info, here it is.

Fingers crossed that the painting is still around, and the owner wants to see it cared for – by me!


  1. Richard Smith December 8, 2013

    Great article ! Interesting mystery. Will Post this on my web-site with a LINK to your book, and ALOHA !

  2. admin December 9, 2013

    Thanks Richard! I was disappointed that the photo of the painting did not accompany the article, but hopefully it will still show up.

  3. katie s May 5, 2021

    Has there been any more advance or insight into finding this portrait? Have you posted it in Honolulu advertising sites/newspaper ads?

  4. Christina Rice May 5, 2021

    Sadly, no news to report. I got as far as emailing the Honolulu newspaper about ad rates last year, but then followed up. Maybe it’s time to do that now!

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