Monthly Archives: December 2020

Remembering Ann and a Long Overdue Update

Today marks 41 years since the divine Ann Dvorak left this world. It also marks two years since I’ve posted on this site. I didn’t mean to take such long a hiatus, but you know…life and all that. Besides my library job and raising a kid who turned 10(!) this year, I have also been fairly consumed with finishing up my Jane Russell biography which is due out next June from University Press of Kentucky. My family also recently launched a podcast called Little Miss Movies. We’d love for you to take a listen! 

Just because I haven’t been posting doesn’t mean I’ve been neglecting this website. In fact, I FINALLY finished updating all of the film pages, something I had started with the redesign three years ago. I’ve also started updating and adding gallery pages including dedicated ones to Ann at home and her honeymoon with Leslie Fenton in 1932/33. The one thing that remains is updating the page on Anna Lehr, but after that, the redesign will pretty much be finished!

Christmas came early this year as Adam Roche over at the Attaboy Clarence podcast invited me on to talk about “Queen Ann.” It’s been seven years since the book came out, so it was exhilarating to have a conversation about my favorite topic once again. Don’t be deceived by my silence here, I remain as dedicated to Ann as I have always been and hope this site will continue to be the ultimate Ann Dvorak resource. 

Wishing all you Dvorak devotees a sane holiday season as we stare down this end of this lousy year. Stay safe and watch an Ann Dvorak flick for me!